Pelvic Floor Physio at Envision Physiotherapy

Envision Physiotherapy now offers timely access to pelvic floor physiotherapy services with the addition of five experienced pelvic floor physiotherapists led by Marcy Dayan.  As of March 1st, Dayan Physiotherapy & Pelvic Floor clinic moved to join the Envision team and expand their services to help people with incontinence, pelvic pain, organ prolapse, painful intercourse and more.  Our physiotherapists are trained to perform internal exams, use EMG biofeedback and real-time ultrasound to help you reconnect with your pelvic floor muscles in a positive way.  

Our pelvic floor physiotherapists are also trained to fit pessaries, an internal device to help stop incontinence and support organ prolapse for women as well as the Contino insert for male leaky bladder issues.  Our team consists of Marcy Dayan, Anna Hudon-Kaide, Michelle Soh, Dikla Barer and Kari Anne Mracek.

You can learn more about our Pelvic Health Services by visiting our Envision Pelvic Health or by visiting the Dayan Physiotherapy website (all services are now performed at Envision Physiotherapy).