Envision Physiotherapy, Represent! …at UBC

It’s turned out to be a busy fall for Envision, although you wouldn’t know given our social media absence. We are so busy with both clinical and other physical therapy endeavours, that we often miss opportunities to share. However, this week, I felt a strong urge to share.

It dawned on me part way through the week, that 3 of our 7 physiotherapists were involved in teaching the first year Physical Therapy Masters students at UBC. And all in different areas.

Trish Gipson spoke to the students about the importance of the pelvic floor, providing them with some clinical relevance. She taught them about how the anatomy relates to specific local problems as well as how it ties in to the rest of the body’s function.

Harry Toor started his second year in his role in the Gross Anatomy lab. This course is where the students build the foundation of their physical therapy study.

And one of our newest therapists, Maggie Lang, has been helping teach students the fine art of taping for athletics. It’s a fulfilling role, as the students come to this course with a varied levels of skill and experience with taping.

I’m proud to be part of a group of therapists who have gone far within their training and specialization, but still make the effort to give back and train the next wave of physical therapists!

– Envision